Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Must Read: Lucid Dreaming-Gateway to the Inner Self

For those of you (like me) who IMMENSELY enjoyed Leonardo Dicaprio's movie Inception, this book is a must read.
Lucid Dreaming-Gateway to the Inner self by Robert Waggoner. 

Lyrically Talented: Ryshon Jones

Newest track by Ryshon Jones "Still Remember To Smile" 
Definitely Feelin' it, 
Take a listen at http://usershare.net/f14d23d653sv

iJustHopeThey[She]Listen[s]is droppin' 9/27/10 

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lyrically Talented: Blu

One of the best underground rappers and my personal favourite: Blu.

He debuted his album "Below the Heavens" in 2007 with beats by producer Exile. Only two words are needed to summarize their album...Pure Genius.

My favourite tracks off his album: 
  1. The world is
  2. No greater love                   
  3. First things first 
  4. Show me the good life
  5. Blu cola workers
  6. In remembrance of me
  7. So(ul) Amazin'

Get his album here:

Tune I'm listening to right now:
Vanity by Blu

Entrepreneurial Steez: Ryshon Jones

A friend of mine put me on to Ryshon's track "Crushin on the Supervisor" last year and it's been on my ipod ever since. 
I Was skeptical at first because it's been awhile since I heard quality music from an aspiring artist. However, I loved Ryshon's latest mixtape "Minimum Wage." Check out a brief interview of him below. After, make sure you click on the link provided and download his mixtape "Minimum Wage." Really take in his lyrics, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Full name:Ryshon Jones
Zodiac sign:Gemini
Birth place, raised, presently residing:Philadelphia
How would you describe yourself as a child? 
I was baaaaad..yet a good child,wasn't a cry baby,always use to sing love songs lol
What are your must-haves?
Black berry,ipod,cranberry juice,strawberry poptarts,studio
Personal quotes:"Dreams over power reality"
First job:Cintas
Education:High school
Personal and professional journey:Pursuing music
What is the toughest obstacle you've encountered?
Tryna please everyone but myself
What are the most important life lessons you've learned?
Somtimes its best to listen more then u talk
Who do you lean on when in need of support?
What is your next step?
To gain a bigger buzz. Currently working on a mixtape titled "iJustHopeTheyListen".
Where do you see yourself in the future?
Makin moves musically touring
Advice for others who wish to follow in your footsteps?
Make sure u know what u gettin yourself in to and that your prepared for adversity and to work hard n nuthin comes easy ..there may be moments where u have doubts.take risks...and at the end. The chase doesn't end unless you want it to.. 

Keep posted to get the latest music by Ryshon!

Download Minimum Wage Now!
Ryshon's Contact Info:
    Facebook: RyShon Jones Music

Health & Wellness: Christiane Northrup (Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom)

If you haven't already, I HIGHLY recommend you pick up a copy of this book today.

A friend gave me this book, three years ago, shortly after I had my son. It took me a while to actually sit down and start reading. Initially, I thought it was more for an older audience. However, I quickly realized that all women (no matter their age) can greatly benefit from the information provided.

Christiane Northrup explains how allopathic treatments (such as surgery) can save lives but also talks about the power of natural therapies and herbs as well. Basically pointing out that we need a balance between western and eastern medicine to maintain our overall health. 

She also points out that many physical problems are caused by a deep rooted emotional issue. For example, a woman who is unhappy with her marriage may be infertile because deep down, she knows that her husband is not the right man to have children with.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Spoken Word of the Day: Temesgen Hagos

A very good friend of mine and truly talented artist. Read a brief profile of who he is and what he does. Make sure to check out one of his spoken word pieces at the end.

Full name: Temesgen Hagos 
Age: 17
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Birth place, raised, presently residing: Born and Raised in North York
Personal quotes:"You need feelings to add words, before your words can add feelings"
What are your five must-haves? Pen, Paper, Phone, Pop and a House
First job: Never had a first job but i volunteer a lot! First time i volunteered was helping kids my age (6-10) complete goals they want to do in life
Education: Graduated from High School 
Personal and professional journey: "I wasn't born to go through life without any bruises, but for every bruise i get gives me and experience and memory"
What is the toughest obstacle you've encountered: Every obstacle is meant to give you a challenge. it matters how you learn from it.
Who do you lean on for support: Family, Friends & Music
What is your next step: Hopefully doing a mixtape so i can get my name a little out there, or just keep working on my craft lol
My advice for others is don't Quit, Ask for help, and one thing i learned is that the people that do the worst are those that have too much confidence in the work, always treat everything you write the same. 

Soul Child By Tommy:

Health & Wellness: Dangers of Fluoride

    Although many people are choosing the natural route when it comes to their diet and lifestyle choices, there are still those who remain oblivious of the fact that fluoride is highly toxic. Inconveniently, fluoride is almost unavoidable in our daily lives. This is due to the presence of fluoride in most brand name toothpastes and in our water supplies (this includes bottled water sold in stores and our tap water). It is important to note that before it was used to fight cavities, it was used as rat poison and insecticide.
    Before I get into the harmful effects of fluoride, let me first answer, "what is fluoride?" Fluoride is a by-product of copper, iron, and aluminum manufacturing. In short, it is a pollutant. In the 1930s, an issue was raised concerning how to legally dispose of fluoride. That issue was quickly solved when one of the largest aluminum companies in the United States funded a study that concluded fluoride prevented tooth decay. Shortly after, this pollutant was even added to our water supplies.
    There is an alarmingly increasing rate of dental fluorosis (health condition caused by a child receiving too much fluoride during tooth development) in fluoridated communities. Many scientists agree that dental fluorosis is one of the first signs of fluoride poisoning.  
      List of adverse effects of fluoride:
  • "Fluoride is associated with Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia. Fluoride enters the brain and enables aluminum to cross the blood-brain barrier, resulting in increased risk for these diseases. Fluoride has also been associated with low IQ and mental retardation in children (Hileman, 1988)."
  • "Fluoride can cause a crippling bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. In more mild forms, symptoms of this disease include chronic joint pain, similar to the symptoms of arthritis. Arthritis has now reached near epidemic levels in the United States, and the connection to fluoridated water should be considered."
  • "Fluoride depresses the activity of the human thyroid gland and has been commonly used as an effective treatment for patients with overactive thyroids. Fluoride may depress the activity of the healthy thyroid, as well, resulting in an underactive thyroid, a common cause of obesity. More than 20 million people in the United States receive treatment for thyroid problems."
  • "Fluoride disrupts the activity of normally functioning hormones. Fluoride can reduce levels of melatonin, the sleep hormone, in the body, causing chronic insomnia (Hileman, 1988)."
   Presently, the majority of European countries have rejected the process of water fluoridation. Interestingly enough, their children’s teeth have not suffered from this rejection. The cost to benefit ratio of fluoridated water no longer sanction the presence of fluoride in drinking water.

   Some simple steps you can take to prevent over consumption of fluoride are:  
  1. Start using natural toothpastes that contain absolutely no fluoride. You can purchase these toothpastes at any local health food store. I personally use Forever Bright® Toothgel from Forever Living Products containing aloe vera gel and bee propolis. Unlike some other non-fluoride toothpastes I've used, this toothgel has a pleasant minty taste. Feel free to message me for details if you would like to purchase one. 
  2. When buying bottled water, check the label to see how much fluoride it contains. 
  3. Reverse Osmosis Filtration
    This is used to purify several types of bottled water (not all), so some bottled waters are unfluoridated.
  4. Activated Alumina Defluoridation Filter
    These filters are used in locales where fluorosis is prevalent. They require frequent replacement, but do offer an option for home water filtration.
  5. Distillation Filtration
    There are commercially available distillation filters that can be purchased to remove fluoride from water. 
I am in no way an "expert", I am simply sharing my knowledge gained from personal research.  I highly suggest everyone to do their own research in determining what is safe and what is not for their own health.

Some informative links to check out for further info:




Sunday, July 11, 2010

Entrepreneurial Steez: Rochelle Sterling

     Meet Rochelle Sterling. A twenty three year old fashion designer from Scarborough with her very own clothing line called RJS. For those of you who don't know, this is your chance to familiarize yourself with one of Toronto's very unique, very talented, up and coming fashion designers.

How would you describe yourself as a child?
As a child, I was very energetic and daring lol. I loved being mischievous, so I can laugh at the end results. If I wasn't playing around, I was very much focused on art/crafts and creating children stories. At the beginning of grade one, I was very much into sports and track & field; made it to every team and event.
Any motivational words that have helped you in your work?
A personal quote of mine is "Dare to be Different!"
Can you recall a specific experience that helped you become successful at your chosen career?
My very first job was at a small dairy product store called Reid's Dairy. I was responsible for serving ice cream, slushies and milk shakes and cashing and bagging all the other products in the store. Overall, the experience wasn't bad because I was shy and learned to get comfortable with speaking and learn how to work quickly in a fast paced in environment much like the fashion industry.

Education: I attended Seneca college (Newnham campus) studying fashion arts (FAA)
Could you provide a brief summary of your journey so far?
I learned at an early age that I have to be comfortable in my own skin to successfully progress in my endeavors. My inspiration to design began with me and my size; I currently stand at 5'11. I made it my number one goal to become a fashion designer so I could cater to everyone, no matter the size. My first opportunity came after my first year in college with a company that specialized in women's and men's varsity jackets. Once I graduated college, I began attempting to push my clothing line into the industry. Today, I'm proud to say that that I have been showcased in 8 shows throughout the GTA and developed a loving and strong fan base and clientele.What is the most discouraging obstacle you've encountered?
The toughest obstacle would be gaining the respect from members within the Fashion and Art community, especially the veterans in the industry, as a professional designer. I graduated college at the age of 19, so I was considered to be "too young" but at the same time it was my age, ambitious attitude and the garments I produced is what made them interested in me.

What are the most important lessons you've learned?
I've learned to step back and analyze and never give up. There's always a way to succeed and it doesn't have to be achieved in a standard way. Although the process may take longer than expected in some cases, the end results are so rewarding.

Who do you lean on when in need of support?
When I'm in need of support I pray first. I live by the lesson that god helps those who help themselves; so next I reach out to my family and close friend/business partner Jackie. My mom may not know much about fashion, but she has always given me beneficial advice that I can use for almost any situation.

Where do you see yourself in the future? 
At this time, I'm working on a joint project with another designer and working on new business plan to reach another plateau in my career. Afterward, I see myself owning several boutiques throughout the world and working on other aspirations such as writing informative novels and TV shows.
What advice can you give for people who are interested in pursuing a similar career?
Ambition! Ambition! Ambition! Once you have that in your heart nothing can stop you and ask a million questions if you have to. Another great tip is being amongst others who are within the arts. Whether its photography or music, their pursuit is very much similar to fashion designing; feed from the positivity and energy around you.

     Well, that brings us to the end of our interview. I will make sure to regularly post updates regarding any new projects she has coming up so stay posted! And make sure to do like Rochelle and dare to be different!

Below are a few pictures of some of Rochelle's work.

Rochelle's Contact Info
Facebook: Rochelle Rjs Sterling
Email: RJS.fashion.gmail.com