Sunday, November 21, 2010

Entrepreneurial Steez: Designer Talecia Lisa Gordon

Talecia Gordon is a young and aspiring fashion stylist with big dreams. She is another talented individual from Toronto, Ontario, whom I have been fortunate enough to be introduced to. Please take the time to read her story as it is always inspiring to hear about another's success!

Full name: Talecia (tah-lee-cee-ah) Lisa Gordon

Age: 21  

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius  

Birth place, raised, presently residing: I was born in Maypen, Clarendon,Jamaica and came to Canada at a young age. Everyone doesn't believe me when I tell them I was born in Jamaica because I sound so white lol. But you can say I was basically raised in Toronto and now reside in Brampton/Mississauga.

How would you describe yourself as a child?: My mom said I didn't talk or say anything till I was about 2 or 3. I was very shy, at first, but then if you said "you wanna play tag?" I would have been the kid in your face running and screaming all over the place lol. And I'm kind of still like that now, I'm very shy for the first part but after I feel you out and see what your about I start opening up. I think as a kid I wanted to see what you were about first before I gave you the full hundred lol.

What are your five must-haves?: 
1. My bible; I know weird but I get a lot of advice from there on how to deal with things.
2. Lip gloss; I have big lips so they need to be moisturized at all times my fave is MAC's Lip Glass or if funds are low or I loose it (which happens all the time) I'll purchase NYC's Kiss Gloss, there both have all the shine and thickness gloss I need and love!
3. My Blackberry; I know disgusting but I have to have it with me. To make calls and to stalk my friends and family on bbm lol sike but no seriously I think I'm addicted, but I've calmed down though because all that texting can lead to arthritis.Without it I can't call my mommy or my sis and complain about stupid things lol.
4. My debit card; If i loose that bad boy I go insane. I don't use cash that much (I don't know its weird I never have cash on me) so the debit card is a must at all times. I'll swipe 1.50 if I have to, I just don't like carrying around money.
5. My handbag; It was hard to pick this one but I was picking stuff from my bag so I just decided to put it up. It has my perfume, my lotion, my toothbrush, and toothpaste (I like brushing my teeth after meals) and my makeup bag.   

Single/taken?: Single and loving it.

Personal quotes: Some come from my mom and the bible, I swear I say these almost everyday lol. "Who ever can't hear will feel," "everything happens for a reason," "God never sleeps," "being humble is the most attractive thing ever," "God has a plan and is ALWAYS in the midst," "When my God is for me who can be against me?" "I'm the head and not the tail," and, "do your thing." 

First job: When I was 15 I was a Longos cashier but after 2 weeks I quit then went to Booster Juice as a crew member lol.

Education: Graduated from Notre Dame Catholic S.S and recently finished the Fashion Arts program at Humber, then God willing York Business school 2011.

Personal and professional journey: Get closer to God and become successful in no matter what field of work I'm in. 

What is the toughest obstacle you've encountered: Giving up bad habits and giving up people that I knew were good to me but bad for me. 

What are the most important life lessons you've learned: That not everybody is going to like you and not everyone has good intentions and not to be naive.

Who do you lean on when in need of support: I look to God when I'm in trouble,he's always there when no one else is there and usually praying really helps calm me down. And I usually call up my girl Bolu for encouragement or my mom and sister when I need it. 

What is your next step: My next step is to get more exposure, I took a year off from school to save and while working I want to get my name out there.

Where do you see yourself in the future: God willing not working in retail, married (kids will come probably in my thirties) successful, either working for PR firm or a Magazine being the fashion director while managing my styling business on the side (I know I think I'm superwoman lol). If not in the fashion industry you could probably find me working for a accounting firm in the middle east managing one of the emirates finances while still praising my God of course lol.

Advice for others who wish to follow in your footsteps: Wear sneakers cause the road gets bumpy cause heels won't always cut it. Don't let peoples smiles fool you not everyone in a room are on your side, whether there your friends or not they'll snake you if they have to! Have tough skin because if you don't this world will eat you up kid, also don't get caught up in the things of this world it ain't worth it honey! Try to remain humble because no one likes a show off especially God. Also, don't listen to what people say about you, just believe that God loves you and to keep him first in your life and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay true to yourself. Never change for anybody or anything!

To stay informed about Talecia's journey to stardom peep her blog!

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