Thursday, August 12, 2010

TED: Derek Sivers "How to Start a Movement"

This is a must watch for all. Derek Sivers delivers a clear and concise message in regards to how movements are started. Turns out, it's not as difficult as many believe it to be. All you need is some courage and humility.

"In less than six minutes, Derek Sivers, (with help from some entertaining footage) explains how movements really get started. (Hint: it takes two)"

Link for his video:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Entrepreneurial Steez: Crystal Wishart

Twenty-five year old Crystal Wishart, took her passion for photography and started her own, and successful, photography company called Concrete Jungle Photography. From weddings, landscapes, and portraits, her creativity and talent shines through each photo.
If your looking for a professional and skilled photographer for any occasion (within a reasonable price range), make sure you get into contact with Miss Wishart. Peep her interview below.

Name: Crystal Wishart

Age: 24

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Birthplace, raised, currently reside: Georgetown Guyana, Brampton

Five must haves: Nivea chapstick, blackberry, iPod

Single/taken: Completely and utterly taken.

Personal Quote: You've got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice. ~Steven D. Woodhull

First job: Delivering the Sunday Sun

Education: Highest level - college

Personal & professional journey: My original journey was to start with me going to Ryerson for fashion design and creating my own successful clothing line. I ended up going to Sheridan for Accouting an landing an office management job just out of school (technically). I quit that job because I wanted to do some missionary work overseas but ended up pursuing my photography career full time. Now I've gone back to my design roots and manage a custom couture store with my mom, cover fashion events and such for an upcoming magaline and starting a cake design business with my bestie from high school. I'm not going to lie, it's hard but at the end of the day i'm smiling and that's what matters.

Toughest obstacles encountered: People ALWAYS try to beat your price down when you're an entrepreneur. It may seem as though they don't trust your ability to complete the job but the truth is, they lack the knowledge to understand the amount of effort you will or have put into your work.

Most important life lesson learned: Don't depend on people to create opportunities for you, get out there and do it yourself.

Who do I lean on for support: God, my parents and my hubby.

What is my next step: To get a legitimate paying job with a magazine or newspaper.

Where do I see myself in the future: Taking photos or covering events for an established magazine or magaline.

What advice do I have for anyone following in my footsteps: Market, advertise, market and advertise!!! Stay on the grind and keep your name circulating amongst the right people. Use every chance you have to market yourself and your business. Print cards, use Twitter, a blog, create websites and groups/fanpages on social netwoking sites. If providing your services for free will help build your portfolio do it!

Some pics of her work below:
Crystal's Contact Info:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

BiteRecipes: Your food. Your recipes. Your community.

A site started by one of my good friends and his pals, BiteRecipes has numerous easy and tasty recipes.
Ranging from beverages, ethnic dishes, vegetarian, kosher, gluten free, high protein, dog food, and more. This site is guaranteed to have what your looking for.

What's so appealing about this site? Well, I've always wanted to try my hand at various cultural dishes but found many of the recipes difficult and time consuming. Luckily, the recipes featured here are fast and cost efficient to make. Take a look for yourself=)

Peep the site here:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Latest in Technology: Headset that reads your brainwaves

Latest invention by Tan Le's company, Emotiv Systems.
I would love to own one of these.

"Tan Le's astonishing new computer interface reads its user's brainwaves, making it possible to control virtual objects, and even physical electronics, with mere thoughts (and a little concentration). She demos the headset, and talks about its far-reaching applications."

Very impressive. Make sure to check out the video.

Entrepreneurial Steez: Leroy Campbell

Looking for quality beats?
Introducing my good friend and talented hip hop producer Leroy Campbell. 
Aged 19, born and raised in Toronto, and is currently creating a name for himself in the music industry.
Remember my mini interview with Ryshon Jones? Well just so happens Leroy produced many of the beats on Ryshon's mixtape
"Minimum Wage"




Support him now before he blows up and you just look like another groupie!
Leroy Campbell's Contact Info